Burning Bright for Breast Cancer – October 24, 2015
This year marks the 12th Anniversary of the partnership of Synchro Swim Ontario and the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation also known as the annual “Burning Bright For Cancer” campaign!
GSSC will be holding our event on Saturday October 24th at 1:00 p.m. at the University of Guelph Red Pool. ALL SWIMMERS (recreational, novice competitive and competitive) are asked to participate. There will be prizes for highest $$ pledges, both individually and as a team. There are also prizes for swimmers who raise over $250 compliments of Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation! All money raised goes directly to Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. At the end of our event, there will be ‘Pink Treats’ to celebrate!
Burning Bright for Cancer events revolve around keeping a light burning in honour of those who are drawn into the Breast Cancer Community. Swimmers typically do relays, create symbolic patterns, perform highlights and other assorted feats of excellence all the while keeping the light burning bright.
Since its inception, Synchro Clubs across Ontario have raised over $379,991 for Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation! The money raised through Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation has enabled the charity to fund research and support and advocate for the breast cancer community. Synchro Swim Ontario is a Gold Ribbon Community Event Partner of Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. (see the website: cbcf.org/ontario)
All are welcome to cheer on our swimmers as they give their best to help people affected by breast cancer!
Wear your pink and share your support!
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